import pygame, sys from pygame.locals import * from unit import user, enemy import random #constant initialize FPS = 60 BLOCK_SIZE = 24 WIDTH = 29 HEIGHT = 15 WINDOW_WIDTH = WIDTH * BLOCK_SIZE WINDOW_HEIGHT = HEIGHT * BLOCK_SIZE MAP_NAME = "./material/map.maze" BGM_NAME = "./material/bgm.ogg" BLOCK_IMAGE = "./material/block.png" FOOD_IMAGE = "./material/food.png" GAMEOVER_IMAGE = "./material/gameover.png" SERVER_PORT = 30000 ENEMY_COUNT = 4 OX = 1 OY = 1 DELAY = 8 #pygame initialize pygame.init() display = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() block_image = pygame.image.load(BLOCK_IMAGE) food_image = pygame.image.load(FOOD_IMAGE) gameover_image = pygame.image.load(GAMEOVER_IMAGE) bgm = pygame.mixer.music.load(BGM_NAME) scene = "game" unit_list = [] game_map = [] #map initialize def load_map(filename): global game_map game_map.clear() file = open(filename, 'r') for line in file.readlines(): game_map.append(list(line.strip())) pass pass #set passport def through(position): x = position[0] y = position[1] in_range = (x >= 0 and x WIDTH) and (y >= 0 and y HEIGHT) in_space = (not game_map[y][x] == '1') return (in_range and in_space) pass #gameover? def check_gameover(user_pos, enemy_pos): global scene gameover = (enemy_pos[0] == user_pos[0] and enemy_pos[1] == user_pos[1]) if gameover: scene = "gameover" pass return gameover pass #gameover def gameover(): pygame.mixer.music.stop() keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[K_RETURN]: initialize() pass display.fill((0, 0, 0)) x = (WINDOW_WIDTH-gameover_image.get_width())/2 y = (WINDOW_HEIGHT-gameover_image.get_height())/2 display.blit(gameover_image, (x, y)) pygame.display.update() pass #unit initialize def initialize_unit(): unit_list.clear() ox = random.randint(1, WIDTH - 2) oy = random.randint(1, HEIGHT - 2) while not through((ox, oy)): ox = random.randint(1, WIDTH - 2) oy = random.randint(1, HEIGHT - 2) unit_list.append(user(OX, OY)) for i in range(0, ENEMY_COUNT): enemy_color = i % 4 ox = random.randint(1, WIDTH - 2) oy = random.randint(1, HEIGHT - 2) while not through((ox, oy)): ox = random.randint(1, WIDTH - 2) oy = random.randint(1, HEIGHT - 2) unit_list.append(enemy(enemy_color, ox, oy)) pass pass #initialize def initialize(): global scene load_map(MAP_NAME) initialize_unit() scene = "game" pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) #system update def system_update(): clock.tick(FPS) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() pass #update control control_clock = [0, DELAY] def control_update(): #user control if control_clock[0] > control_clock[1]: user = unit_list[0] keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() passport = False pos = user.position if keys[K_UP]: pos = user.move(through(user.next(0))) elif keys[K_RIGHT]: pos = user.move(through(user.next(1))) elif keys[K_DOWN]: pos = user.move(through(user.next(2))) elif keys[K_LEFT]: pos = user.move(through(user.next(3))) pass game_map[pos[1]][pos[0]] = '0' #enemy control u_pos = unit_list[0].position for index in range(1, len(unit_list)): enemy = unit_list[index] if check_gameover(u_pos, enemy.position): break enemy.track(u_pos) passport = through(enemy.next()) enemy.move(passport) while not passport: enemy.clockwise() passport = through(enemy.next()) enemy.move(passport) pass control_clock[0] = 0 pass else: control_clock[0] += 1 pass pass #update screen def screen_update(): display.fill((0, 0, 0)) for i in range(0, HEIGHT): for j in range(0, WIDTH): x = j * BLOCK_SIZE y = i * BLOCK_SIZE if game_map[i][j] == '1': display.blit(block_image, (x, y)) elif game_map[i][j] == '4': display.blit(food_image, (x, y)) pass pass pass for unit in unit_list: unit.update() x = unit.position[0] * BLOCK_SIZE y = unit.position[1] * BLOCK_SIZE display.blit(unit.image, (x, y), unit.image_rect()) pygame.display.update() pass #first initialize() #main loop while True: system_update() if scene == "game": control_update() screen_update() else: gameover() pass pass
import pygame import math import random USER_IMAGE = "./material/user.png" ENEMY_IMAGE = [("./material/enemy%d.png" % i) for i in range(1, 5)] class unit(): def __init__(self, filename): super(unit, self).__init__() self.image = pygame.image.load(filename) self.clock = [0, 5] self.direction = 0 self.position = [1, 1, 1, 1] self.index = 0 self.source_rect = 0 pass def update(self): self.animation_update() pass def animation_update(self): self.clock[0] += 1 if self.clock[0] > self.clock[1]: if self.index 4: self.index += 4 else: self.index -= 4 self.source_rect = self.image_rect() self.clock[0] = 0 pass pass def move(self, passport): if passport: pos = self.position[:] self.position[0] = self.position[2] self.position[1] = self.position[3] else: self.position[2] = self.position[0] self.position[3] = self.position[1] pos = self.position pass return pos pass def next(self): self.ahead() return (self.position[2], self.position[3]) pass def turn(self, direction): self.direction = direction % 4 self.index = self.direction pass def ahead(self): if self.direction == 0: self.position[3] -= 1 elif self.direction == 1: self.position[2] += 1 elif self.direction == 2: self.position[3] += 1 elif self.direction == 3: self.position[2] -= 1 pass def image_rect(self): w = self.image.get_width() h = self.image.get_height() ox = math.floor(w / 4 * (self.index % 4)) oy = math.floor(h / 2 * math.floor(self.index / 4)) return pygame.Rect((ox, oy), (24, 24)) class user(unit): def __init__(self, x, y): super(user, self).__init__(USER_IMAGE) self.position = [x, y, x, y] pass def next(self, direction): self.turn(direction) self.ahead() return (self.position[2], self.position[3]) pass class enemy(unit): def __init__(self, id, x, y): filename = ENEMY_IMAGE[id] super(enemy, self).__init__(filename) self.position = [x, y, x, y] pass def track(self, user_pos): rand_dir = [1,2,3,4] self.turn(random.choice(rand_dir)) pass def clockwise(self): self.turn(self.direction + 1) pass class enemy_user(unit): def __init__(self, x, y): filename = ENEMY_IMAGE[0] super(enemy_user, self).__init__(filename) self.position = [x, y, x, y] pass def move(self, x, y): self.position[0] = x self.position[1] = y pass
以上就是python 實現(xiàn)簡單的吃豆人游戲的詳細內容,更多關于python 實現(xiàn)吃豆人游戲的資料請關注腳本之家其它相關文章!
標簽:畢節(jié) 股票 駐馬店 中山 衡水 江蘇 呼和浩特 湖州
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